Happy Election Day
Hope everyone out there in blog land voted today.If you didn't you need to ask yourself why and then think about what if you could not vote at all, or had no choise of your own. (Ok, off soap box) At this point I fall into the group that just wants it to be over. It has been a very nasty and verbal campaign. I voted last Saturday at the county government center. DH was going to be out of town, so I decided to vote with him, absentee. First time I had ever done that. I always just go to the voting place, this was so much easier though.
Dinner tonight with a former co-worked.One of the few I have left in this area. Most have moved or not kept in touch. She is a really nice girl, pregnant with her second child and also quit working shortly after I did. The difference is she has a son with autism and spends a lot of time with him.
I hope to work learning how to put a link on the blog....still have a simple mind and nothing is working for me...but I'll keep trying.
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