Happy Birthday to VAMOM's 78.
This time 28 years ago I was having my second c-section. Wanted a girl the entire 9 month and luckily God listened. Looking back there were definitely times we were candidates for the Dr Phil show, bad mommy vs PITA toddler, but we made it through. Pretty pink glasses to wear. The mom going into an intermediate teacher, after school and telling her that the daughter will do anything necessary to bring up the grade on a test that she took and "THOUGHT" she failed, only to find out the next day that she made an A. Sitting on the bed going through flash cards to learn Latin in HS. Calling long distance to Tennessee to wake her up for classes in college. Being lucky enough to have her graduate and then come back to the area to work, only to have to move to the west coast 3 years later.
She has a job, working for the
"mouse" and loves it. She had the opportunity to go to
"Hong Kong" for her job in March this year and let me, someone who had never been out of the USA, come over and visit for 10 days. How unbelievably cool that was.
She is working on her own webpage and the best of all is getting married to a wonderful guy in 2007.
I hope one day they will be on this side of the Mississippi........
She has a job, working for the
"mouse" and loves it. She had the opportunity to go to
"Hong Kong" for her job in March this year and let me, someone who had never been out of the USA, come over and visit for 10 days. How unbelievably cool that was.
She is working on her own webpage and the best of all is getting married to a wonderful guy in 2007.
I hope one day they will be on this side of the Mississippi........
your links aren't working. . .you've got your URL in the begining of the text. . .go through and remove that and you should be in business
By Anonymous, at Thu Nov 09, 10:16:00 AM EST
thank you mom :) very sweet :)
By Anonymous, at Thu Nov 09, 11:15:00 AM EST
Thanks Beth...there is a learning curve in progress :-)
By Her eyes East, at Thu Nov 09, 01:55:00 PM EST
you're getting spammed. nice.
By Anonymous, at Fri Nov 10, 09:02:00 AM EST
I can take care of that :-)
By Her eyes East, at Fri Nov 10, 04:43:00 PM EST
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